
Oct 25, 2017

(Base OP credit to dani_dc and dramazen)

Welcome to the manga thread! You can also talk webtoons, and tangentially comics as well.

Please read the rules below before posting in the thread.

New to Manga?
If you're curious about manga and never actually read any, or if you're looking to get your hands on manga more affordably, refer to post #2 below.

General Rules
  • DO NOT post, link or request scanlations
  • DO NOT post images with website logos in it
  • DO NOT post NSFW Images or content

A Guideline for Posting About Manga
Bold the name of the series and the chapter which you are going to discuss. Other community members browsing should be able to understand what series you will discuss, and possibly avoid if they want to dodge spoilers.

The Promised Neverland 100

Wow that is one big belly button

Spoiler Rules
Please do not discuss chapters that have leaked ahead of their publication within a serialized magazine or that are simulpub (i.e. published in English within a few days of their serialization in Japanese magazines) without using spoiler tags until they have been released in English. While not an exhaustive list, please use this post as a guide to determining what series are simulpub.

In general, use your best judgment. Insert any text or images that could be considered spoilers within spoiler tags, and if there's something that you think is a significant spoiler on a chapter that just came out, add some extra notice. Otherwise, feel free to discuss any manga without spoiler tags as long as you have properly marked which manga you're talking about (as detailed in the example above).

If you have any doubts about something you are wanting to post or are unsure about what is currently being simulpubbed, feel free to reach out and get clarification.

If you believe that a user has violated this guidance in a post, please report the post in question.

Monthly Community Manga Recommendations
Below are recommendations from a variety of different genres contributed by our wonderful community. Each month, a recommendation that has been posted by a user will be threadmarked and added to the OP.

Impressions, Reviews, Recommendations Storage
Aside from the monthly recommendations listed above, impressions are saved off onto our WordPress site. You can find impressions, reviews, and recommendations from the past at MangaOT, which I am populating periodically as new impressions are posted. The tags are a bit messy, but it should be easier to find something to read because, there are categories, tags, and a search (in case you just want to read what certain posters read). I am going to be keeping up with this the same way drama did because I think it's a pretty cool tool to keep a log of things. Please let me know if you have any feedback!

Previous Threads
What are you reading - Oct/Nov 2017
Manga |OT1| Dec 2017 to April 2021

Community Contributions
A collection of threadmarks from previous OTs and threads posted by members in the community. Let me know if you have any other contributions to add to the list.
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Where to Start (Sources and Services for Manga)


Oct 25, 2017
Where to Start
Manga can be a daunting medium to get into. It's not just the sheer amount of different titles available, it's also the cost of obtaining manga to be able to read it. Whether you prefer physical or digital, there has never been a better (or less expensive) time to break into manga! The great thing is you can basically start anywhere. Just find a book that seems like it interests you, and you're unlikely to need any additional background to jump in. Look through the Monthly Community Manga Recommendations in post #1 if you want some more specific recommendations, but keep reading for ideas on where to grab those books, or other books available through different services.

Where to Get Physical Manga
Alright, so this section is going to be US-focused. I'll admit to having little knowledge on where to obtain physical manga easily in other countries. If you would like to share and contribute, please send me a PM and I'll try to include as much detail as possible for different countries/regions.

Local Libraries
While there is no better feeling than filling up your shelves with a manga collection, the means may not always be there to do so. It's pretty straightforward - just check in with your local library and see what they've got on their shelves! You may be surprised by how much they have, and you can always make requests to order more. What's more, it's all free!

Local Bookstores
It's always good to check out what your local bookstores have in stock, especially those that carry used books. It's a great way to support local businesses and get something at a discount.

Buy Online
Of course, for everything else, there is buying physical books online. While Amazon might be your go-to for ease of use and speed, I would recommend checking out a few different places to not only get better discounts, but support other businesses that are smaller than Amazon and provide higher quality service.

Where to Get Digital Manga
While this still has a US-focused slant to it, the services described below are available in several countries. If you have anything to contribute or something I got wrong, please let me know via PM and I'll try to incorporate it. Also, for a more comprehensive look at simulpub information, check out this post from BassForever.

Shonen Jump App
The Shonen Jump App is hands down the best deal in manga. For $2 USD a month, you gain access to a host of Viz's ongoing and completed manga series. The app is available on iOS and Android. Below are a selection of series available with the subscription. Availability and pricing may vary by country.

Manga PLUS
Manga PLUS by Shuiesha is a place where you can read a sizable amount of ongoing Jump books for free. The service updates with new chapters on ongoing books, and retains them for a few weeks. It does not have the same back-catalog as the Shonen Jump App, but it's a suitable substitute to paying the subscription if you're only keeping up with chapter updates. There are also a handful of series that have not been licensed by Viz yet which are available on the app totally free. Also, the service provides what it calls "Re-Editions" where it cycles in a set of chapters from a series for a week at a time, then cycles them out; although slightly inconvenient, it's a way to read series for free. Available on Android and iOS Availability may vary by country.

Comixology/Kindle Unlimited
Comixology/Kindle Unlimited is a solid subscription for manga (even better if you read comics or books, too). For $6/$10 USD a month, you get access to a large amount of manga from publishers like Kodansha and Dark Horse. In addition, you get a discount towards purchases made from certain publishers (i.e. Seven Seas). It is not comprehensive in the way the Shonen Jump App is, but it is a very large amount of manga for the price. Availability and pricing may vary by country.
  • Attack on Titan (completed, 34 volumes) small people fight big people and conspiracies
  • To Your Eternity (ongoing) shapeshifting alien orb wanders the world
  • Space Brothers (ongoing) man in 30s chases dream of becoming an astronaut
  • Vinland Saga (ongoing) historical viking fights
  • Princess Jellyfish (complete, 9 volumes) a politician's cross-dressing son helps otaku women save their home
  • Shaman King (complete, 35 volumes) spirits fighting
  • Witch Hat Atelier (ongoing) young witch-in-training trying to undo a spell gone wrong
  • Your Lie in April (complete, 11 volumes) grieving pianist tries to love music again
  • Lone Wolf and Cub (complete, 28 volumes) disgraced samurai out for revenge with his son
  • Battle Angel Alita (complete, 9 volumes) amnesiac cyborg becomes a bounty hunter in a cyberpunk world
  • Descending Stories (complete, 10 volumes) man released from prison learns to perform rakugo
  • BLAME! (complete, 6 volumes) cyberpunk dystopia
  • Tsuredure Children (complete, 12 volumes) 4-koma comedy following several romantic pairings
  • Ace of the Diamond (complete, 47 volumes) talented baseball rookie leads his team to victory
  • Chihayafuru (ongoing) a love triangle formed around karuta
  • Grand Blue Dreaming (ongoing) comedic diving + ecchi youth
  • Nodame Cantabile (complete, 25 volumes) musical opposites attract
  • Tokyo Tarareba Girls (complete, 9 volumes) women in their 30s try to find love
  • Parasyte (complete, 8 volumes) alien and human sharing a body fight other aliens

Crunchyroll Manga
Crunchyroll has an oft overlooked manga section that comes with any subscription to the video streaming side. It has some Kodansha published books (including some simulpub offerings) and a few other oddities, but it's a decent enough offering to comment on, especially if you're already subscribed to Crunchyroll. Available on Android and iOS. Availability and pricing may vary by country.

While I don't know much personally about Mangamo, it seems to have a sizable offering of Kodansha published books and some from lesser known publishers. I hope to look into it myself at some point and provide more helpful details. The subscription is $5 USD a month, and is available on iOS and Android.

Comixology/Kindle and Book Walker Sales
It's often worth checking Comixology/Kindle and Bookwalker a couple of times a week to see what's on sale for the manga side. Viz typically puts up a weekly sale starting Tuesdays at 3:00am UTC (Comixology/Kindle only). Kodansha typically puts up a weekly sale starting Wednesdays at 3:00am UTC. Bookwalker also has many promotions where you can get additional coins back for purchases to buy more things. It's all worth checking out. Links to the respective sites are noted below. Availability and pricing may vary by region.

Buying Digital Manga
There are several places to buy digital manga. Availability of manga may vary by storefront, so it's good to check all the storefronts if you're looking for a specific book. Availability and pricing may vary by region.
Aside from what is strictly considered manga, there are many communities and genres directly inspired by manga out there. One of the more prominent communities is Webtoon, a website for burgeoning artists and creators to published serialized work on the internet. Webtoon offers a number of free series to read by a variety of creators. Here is a selection, as recommended by community Webtoon expert Black Bishop.

Webtoon Originals
Webtoon Originals are series by creators in direct partnership with Webtoon. They are assigned an editor, have a structured release schedule, and receive marketing support directly from Webtoon. Webtoon essentially serves as a publisher for its Originals.
Webtoon Canvas
Webtoon Canvas series are independently published by the creators. They retain full control over their series, including where and when it is published. If a series is popular enough, creators can also participate in a revenue sharing program to receive financial and marketing support.
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Oct 28, 2017
I feel obligated to point out that the post I made about buying region locked titles on kindle only worked for like two weeks. I haven't tried it since.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to extend thanks again to dramazen for all the work they put into OT1 and running it as long as they did, and for graciously handing things off to me for OT2.

I made some tweaks and additions (namely post 2). There are a lot of links. There are a lot of words. If anything is weird, off, wrong, or awful, let me know and I'll try to address it.

Also, special thanks to Aurica for providing some input into the OP.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'd ask "how the hell did I get so high" but then I realized I'm the psycho doing a review of every canceled Jump manga lol. Hoping to get back on the dumpster train this week.


Oct 25, 2017
Me too! Only managed to get the first 6 volumes of Dorohedoro before amazon hid them on my again.
I had a UK friend who was trying to read through Doro, and just randomly when they had a sale on the first 3 volumes a few months ago, those showed up on their end but not any of the others? The region-locking stuff on Amazon is honestly so weird.


Oct 28, 2017
I had a UK friend who was trying to read through Doro, and just randomly when they had a sale on the first 3 volumes a few months ago, those showed up on their end but not any of the others? The region-locking stuff on Amazon is honestly so weird.
Funny you should mention that. I checked after reading you post an it seems Dorohedoro is up on amazon uk for me now. Maybe they sucured wider distribution rights? I should check for other Viz series that weren't on amazon uk before.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
And here we are!

Very nice OT, Launchpad. Sleep well, perhaps I'll ban you in the morning.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Read Kaguya, Nagatoro and Prefect. Avoid Komi.

God just finish that mangadex redesign i need my trash to stay alive.

Edit: And read more Mizukami everyone. Biscuit Hammer and Spirit Circle are GOATs and World End's Solte is having a great start.


Oct 25, 2017
Weird to see that I ended up third in the last thread. I don't remember posting that much


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
Welcome to our new overlord! Also, welcome to any new people that see this thread!

Since I'm on page one, let me take this opportunity to say that A Bride's Story is a lovely manga, and everyone should read it.


Oct 26, 2017
I jumped in kinda late on the first OT, so no ranking for me. First time I peeked in here, people were posting full leaked pages of SJ stuff on like, Thursdays of Chainsawman (I specifically remember that). So I walked out for several months until I guess that stopped, and then came back so I didn't have to see page leaks several days early :p I still watch more anime than I do manga, though.


Oct 28, 2017
Read the first 3 volumes of Brides Story recently. Its great. I've been meaning to read Kaoru Mori's manga for the longest time.


Nov 27, 2017
Need to keep an eye out for the next humble manga bundle, I finally found my color kindle(part of the reason I skipped the last one)


Oct 25, 2017
Need to keep an eye out for the next humble manga bundle, I finally found my color kindle(part of the reason I skipped the last one)
You're in luck, there is actually one active right now! lol

EDIT: maybe better to add an image to the link to make it stand out more for those interested
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Nov 27, 2017
You're in luck, there is actually one active right now! lol

EDIT: maybe better to add an image to the link to make it stand out more for those interested
Hm not a bad deal(forgot how pricey HB's can get. Slime is good stuff... isn't seven sins kinda sleazy(I say after binging 2 seasons of overlord and doing the third today before it leaves Hulu... i guess I have decent tolerance when the story interests me)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Komi nºwhatever

This is some hot, steaming pile of bullshit. Manbagi has been overly considerate of komi's feelings for literal months, delayed her own confession like twice now and gave komi plenty of pushes throughout this entire timeframe, and now she finally confesses, he bloody ACCEPTS and then she walks it back in the very next panel? Get the fuck out of here.

And this goes for Tadano too. Komi has been giving him the cold shoulder this entire time. She didnt answer his old white day answer. Meanwhile, him and manbagi have been getting closer and closer, and ever since he slept with her in the hotel he was thinking of her in a romantic manner, and now we know that yes, he DOES like her that way. Why the fuck would he back down.

Only way to redeem this is the next chapter Tadano going "No, I said yes to you, I like YOU" and be done with it, but we all know this won't happen and everything will be given to Komi in the most passive and undeserved way.

I'll give it one more chapter, but I think I'm just done with this trash series. Goddamn what a freefall this has been for the past years. Glad I never picked it up physically or else I might have felt compelled to finish it just like that other declining series One Punch Man (and at least that is now finally getting into the Dragon fights after years of nonsensical filler and needless redraws.)

Quickly reposting my Komi impressions from last night. Goddamn i'm still livid. So much for Reiwa energy


Oct 28, 2017
The Humble Bundle's are usually pretty good these days but I think I'll skip this one since it doesn't have any completed series that I'm interested in reading.

Also I discovered from the last one that the PDFs are too high quality for my Likebook mars to handle in perfect viewer.


Oct 25, 2017
Hm not a bad deal(forgot how pricey HB's can get. Slime is good stuff... isn't seven sins kinda sleazy(I say after binging 2 seasons of overlord and doing the third today before it leaves Hulu... i guess I have decent tolerance when the story interests me)
I didn't spring for the full set of Seven Deadly Sins myself, but I fully back what's included here for To Your Eternity and Tokyo Revengers.

The Humble Bundle's are usually pretty good these days but I think I'll skip this one since it doesn't have any completed series that I'm interested in reading.

Also I discovered from the last one that the PDFs are too high quality for my Likebook mars to handle in perfect viewer.
Looking back through what I've picked up before, the one with Beck, Space Brothers, Princess Jellyfish, Parasyte, To Your Eternity, Descending Stories, and Your Lie in April (most of them complete except for the ongoing ones) was insane value.


Oct 25, 2017
Made the Wall of Shame for once. Feels weird.

And my favorite ongoing manga at the moment are probably (in no particular order):

Kaguya (though the Shinomiya family drama does nothing for me)
Oshi no Ko (despise idols, yet like this for some reason)
Boys Abyss (sometimes you just like trash)
My Hero Academia (that last arc really brought me back into the series)
Spy X Family (best new title to come out of Jump in a while, next to Chainsaw Man)
Oct 25, 2017
Since it's a new thread, here's the latest Jump TOC.


i tell c is definitely dead.
Cop and Dolphin's likely on the way out.
A shame about Ball Parade. Jump needs a sports manga hit.


Nov 27, 2017
Since it's a new thread, here's the latest Jump TOC.


i tell c is definitely dead.
Cop and Dolphin's likely on the way out.
A shame about Ball Parade. Jump needs a sports manga hit.
Hm I think that says more about the strength of the lineup than anything. The series has been solid and they haven't begun a death rush yet


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Welcome to our new overlord! Also, welcome to any new people that see this thread!

Since I'm on page one, let me take this opportunity to say that A Bride's Story is a lovely manga, and everyone should read it.
It is a lovely manga and everybody should read it.
Read Golden Kamuy

That is all
Also good, but not, I feel, as good as Bride's Story. It is on the Jump/Viz site, though, so it's got that going for it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Since it's a new thread, here's the latest Jump TOC.


i tell c is definitely dead.
Cop and Dolphin's likely on the way out.
A shame about Ball Parade. Jump needs a sports manga hit.

I'm hoping 9DPB may get a gag series esque window to try and carve a niche, especially if no other pure sports manga happen anytime soon.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
Seeing Magu-chan that low on the TOC always concerns me a little, but it's a gag series so I assume it'll be fine.

Shame about 9 Dragons, though. It did feel like it had potential as a fun sports series.


Oct 25, 2017
Seeing Magu-chan that low on the TOC always concerns me a little, but it's a gag series so I assume it'll be fine.

Shame about 9 Dragons, though. It did feel like it had potential as a fun sports series.
Aren't there like 3 gag manga going on in WSJ right now? How is it faring compared to High School Family and Roboco? Also Mashle if that counts.

Just saying, there's been so much gag manga lately being canceled.
Oct 25, 2017
Seeing Magu-chan that low on the TOC always concerns me a little, but it's a gag series so I assume it'll be fine.

Shame about 9 Dragons, though. It did feel like it had potential as a fun sports series.
I think Magu can make it to its one year anniversary and then end whenever, final boss is just always around anyway.

I hope it stays. The anime will be hilarious. Izuma will be hilarious to see and hear (please use Arthur's Fire Force voice).


Oct 26, 2017
Thanks for work on the thread !

(Pedantic note: Unless "Vampire battle manga" is some broad genre delineation I'm not aware of, there're no actual vampires in TG.)

Matchmaking of the Amagami Household 01

This harem romcom sure is a harem romcom. Doing a "pack every single trope into first chapter" challenge too clearly. Bad enough that I can have hope, I can remain free of this.


Nov 27, 2017
Question, would a Kindle Fire HD 6 probably work fine for manga reading? Just found mine buried in my stuff. How difficult would it be to get stuff on it?