
Oct 25, 2017
Welcome to the monthly mobile gaming thread, where we discuss the best and most interesting titles coming to iOS and Android each and every month. From sales, to exciting new releases, to promising games in the works, mobile gaming is vast and growing medium, with entries in genres of every fashion, premium and free alike.

The main post will contain recommended games that released during the previous month. All the games listed will have been highlighted by the ERA community in one way or another. This way you can keep tabs on the best games and at the same time curate an excellent resource to look back on to find games you may have missed.



Mobile Gaming September/October 2018 | A Song of Ice & Dire
Mobile Gaming July/August 2018 | Get Ready to Battle Your Heart Out
Mobile Gaming June 2018 | Apple needs to let off some Steam
Mobile Gaming May 2018 | Mayday! Too many games to play
Mobile Gaming April 2018 | Portable Battle Royale
Mobile Gaming March 2018 | A lovely month for gaming on the go
Mobile Gaming February 2018 | A Thumping good time!
Mobile Gaming January 2018 | New ERA, new year, and so many new games
Mobile Gaming December 2017 | A Frosty X-mas Season
Mobile Gaming November 2017 | Giving thanks for iOS and Android alike
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Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the timely OT More_Badass! These threads are one of the few places on this board where people can discuss mobile games in a sane manner.


Oct 25, 2017
Every time a piece of media shits all over the cosmic horror genre by "Kill it with all your guns and tech woohaa" I die a little inside. Completely trashing the entire point of lovecraft horror to fulfill another dumb power fantasy, eugh.

Anyways, Grimvalor looks rad.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
If you haven't played them, the classic CRPGs like Baldur's Gate 2 and Planescape Torment

I will play Planescape Torment one day, but for now I need stuff that is story-light:

Invisible, Inc

The other thing I am doing with this Pro is getting through my comics backlog so that will be all the story I need.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Cannot WAIT for Kingdom Rush 4.

I think it comes out the day after I go on Thanksgiving vacation, so I'm sure I'll blast through the whole thing on my trip, haha.

Hope it has a decent amount of levels. I remember Kingdom Rush Origins feeling a bit light on levels at launch. They eventually do two or three extra level expansions, but at launch both Origins and Iron Marines felt pretty light on levels.

At least the Kingdom Rush games have the two extra challenges you can go for each level, that definitely helps.
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Oct 27, 2017
Ever since reading that "mobile games don't suck" thread a couple days back, I've been crawling the play store looking for a new mobile game to spend five Google Funbucks on, but I'm really having trouble finding anything appealing. I've done a fair bit of googling, I went through this list and this one, and of course the games in this thread and the previous one, but nothing grabbed me much -- with one possible exception, Blackbar, that I may come back to if I can't find anything else. (Not to mention half of 'em not being on the play store at all; I guess they're iOS only.)

Can I ask for a recommendation here? Ideally something that is:
- finite, not endless
- not ugly (ie, doesn't look like a Newgrounds game and doesn't mangle pixel art with scaling or post-processing)
- not randomly generated
- not crazy action (slow-paced real time games are fine)
- not puzzle of any kind
- not point-and-click adventure or text adventure (I like 'em, but I'm too picky about 'em to ask for recs there)
- with no ads or IAPs

...When I write it out like that, it feels like I'm asking a lot, but I only spell out those things because they have been so, so much of what I've searched through so far. I'm really not very picky beyond those things! There must be some great RPGs or turn-based strategy games for Android, right? They're like, the second-most natural fit after puzzle games! And yet, I can't find much of anything that seems worthwhile...

Sorry to bug y'all if you get questions like these a lot. I did try pretty earnestly to find something before asking, I swear. And I'm not anti-mobile; I play games on my phone every day. (But I usually only play emulated retro games or whatever gacha trash I'm currently addicted to.)

So many mobile games really refuse to tell you what they are! "A puzzle game with 765 levels" tells me absolutely nothing, but that's all you get for a description of half the things I click, even in the "read more" section. Stop telling me how revolutionary your game is and listing its meaningless bullet points. Just tell me what I actually do in it!
And it happens in every genre. Even watching the video -- when the dev actually puts a video on the store -- often gives you nothing but marketing copy and concept art, with a handful of random two-second clips of gameplay at best. Ugh. It's like no one wants me to play their game. It makes it all the more frustrating to browse.


Oct 25, 2017

Blackbar (and its sequel/counterpart Grayout) are 1) unconventional word games and 2) narrative games both set in the same dystopian world. The former explores the government censorship side of its world, the latter explores medical "research" in that world. They're both recommended with strong stories, but they're also both world puzzle games, although quite different from the usual type

Have you played 80 Days or the Sorcery quadrilogy?

Some recent releases that might be viable:

- Card Thief
- Battleheart 2
- Lost Frontier
- Ticket To Earth
- Reigns: Game of Thrones
- Warhammer Quest 2
- Iron Marines
- Minos Strategos
- Cat Quest
- Demon's Rise 2
- Strike Team Hydra
- NEO Scavenger
- Age of Rivals
- Teen Titans GO Figure

Mike D

Nov 2, 2017
So I just tried Streets of Rage 2 (which was apparently updated 2 weeks ago) and it's pretty rad. The default controls are awful but switching to "arcade" and turning on haptics made a world of difference. I played it on my XS Max and finished the first stage and didn't miss physical controls (once I changed the settings). Free with ads or $2 to upgrade to premium.

It's just tragic that the last retro game I tried (Metal Slug X) didn't have this quality of touch control plus haptic feedback, making it unplayable for me.
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Oct 27, 2017

Blackbar (and its sequel/counterpart Grayout) are 1) unconventional word games and 2) narrative games both set in the same dystopian world. The former explores the government censorship side of its world, the latter explores medical "research" in that world. They're both recommended with strong stories, but they're also both world puzzle games, although quite different from the usual type

Have you played 80 Days or the Sorcery quadrilogy?

Some recent releases that might be viable:

- Card Thief
- Battleheart 2
- Lost Frontier
- Ticket To Earth
- Reigns: Game of Thrones
- Warhammer Quest 2
- Iron Marines
- Minos Strategos
- Cat Quest
- Demon's Rise 2
- Strike Team Hydra
- NEO Scavenger
- Age of Rivals
- Teen Titans GO Figure
Thanks for the suggestions! Some I'd already looked at, but most I hadn't. Lost Frontier seems right up my alley for sure (Advance Wars is great), and I'm going to look some more into Minos Strategos, Strike Team Hydra, and maybe Demon's Rise 2 (mainly just because it's on sale right now).

I've played 80 Days on PC. It was alright, but not really my style. I looked at the Sorcery series, but it doesn't look like the best choice when I'd only be buying one (since I'm only buying something right now so I can burn some Google Play credit).

Re: Blackbar, that's about what I figured, and that sounds appealing! (Sucks that Greyout doesn't seem to be on Android, though.)
I know I said I wasn't looking for puzzles of any kind, but I actually should have put them in the same category as adventure games. I enjoy my share of truly standout puzzle games -- Puyo Puyo, The Witness, Professor Layton, Portal -- but I've bounced off of every mobile puzzle game I've ever played, so I didn't want to ask for recommendations in a genre that I'm overly picky about.


Oct 16, 2018
Right now my most played mobile games are digital board games to be honest. I love playing local pass and play when still in bed on late weekend mornings with my gf. It's so great to play familiar games without having the hassle of getting up and setting the game up.

Besides that I've been playing the new game from Radiangames and it is fairly enjoyable. Pretty relaxing and fairly monetized (not at all, so far). My gf regularly plays Super Starfish (released a couple of weeks ago) and even though the gameplay is as old as mobile games are, it is a joy to look at.

And thanks for the thread! After reading this "mobile games (don't) suck" thread, it's great to have a place where there is less hate around.

I definitely have to check out Grimvalor some day. I loved Swordigo. Regarding "other notable releases": Clear Vision 4 is crap. Poorly monetized and boring as hell. If one fancies a sniper game, Lonewolf is the best options available, I'd say.

Does anyone have impressions on Elements? It looks intriguing.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
All those iOS exclusives are burning my soul, I really don't have the cash nor the will to buy an iPhone JUST for some exclusive games. Really sad this hasn't changed despite the amount of work google has done to make their ecosystem profitablr.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure if this is the correct place for it, but it is worth noting that the byzantine-but-awesome mobile game Puzzle and Dragons is having a crazy good event, making it the best time to start the game. They are giving out quite a bit of premium currency now and probably a bit lot again in December, plus a guaranteed 7*GFE, which is pretty nuts. It's a match 3 puzzle game with a somewhat unique puzzle mechanic (unlimited moves within a few seconds each turn, moves like a slide puzzle) and complex team building mechanics. It is also a JP gatcha, but not as bad as some members of that category. If you've ever been interested in it, I'd say give it a go.

Mike D

Nov 2, 2017
All those iOS exclusives are burning my soul, I really don't have the cash nor the will to buy an iPhone JUST for some exclusive games. Really sad this hasn't changed despite the amount of work google has done to make their ecosystem profitablr.

I guess you could get an iPad or iPod touch. I'm kind of the reverse--I have a lot of Android games from Humble Bundle that I haven't touched since switching from a Note8 to an iPhone. No exclusives though, aside from old games that simply don't appear on the App Store anymore like Shadowrun Returns.


Oct 27, 2017
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Oct 28, 2017
All those iOS exclusives are burning my soul, I really don't have the cash nor the will to buy an iPhone JUST for some exclusive games. Really sad this hasn't changed despite the amount of work google has done to make their ecosystem profitablr.
I'm dying to buy an android phone but I know I'll miss some games, and it's an actual factor that makes me want stay with iOS. But I really don't know what's going to be my new phone, I really don't like any of the new iPhones :( I wonder if it's too crazy having two phones - a new android and my current iPhone, lol.


Dec 13, 2017
Seriously? God damn Kepa

Well what's everyone's thoughts on Tesla vs. Lovecraft? Seems pretty great. Almost like a spiritual successor to Crimsonland and Age of Zombies


Oct 26, 2017
It plays well on mobile. I played it on PC and it seems like the kind of game that would be hard to make play well on touch

To be honest (I know I may be the only one in the world) I'm kinda preferring the touch controls over the default Steam WASD ones.
I could get past the first boss way faster, due to the placing of the red/blue gloves button.
I never was too comfortable with the 4 separate keys on PC (jump, red, blue, teleport) while here I just move the thumb.

I'm not really the best 'typical user' example because for some reason I generally cope very well with touch controls...but here we are at Elysian/Grimvalor level of nailed down controls so far.
If I'm not mistaken the game also support controllers.

Game is an audio-visual orgasm too.


Oct 25, 2017
Canary Islands
See/Saw. Very original and minimalistic platformer. Design is brilliant.

And Spitkiss, another platformer but very different and more Super Meat Boy influenced.


Oct 25, 2017
My friend and I are looking for a game to play on both android and IOS.we're wanting something to play that is social but it doesn't have to directly co-op/pvp/pve.

We used to play FFB Exvius but we both quit as we found gatcha games to be addictive and toxic.

I think we're pretty open to genres and stuff? Just something that is playable, active and frequent content updates.

Any suggestions?


Oct 26, 2017
A sleepless night later I'm here to confirm my first Teslagrad impressions.
Glorious port of an awesome game.
Love how they tell you the story, and the game is an audio visual threat (graphics really pops out on a oled screen).
Finally a proper Metroidvania I can immerse myself in tucked in bed with headphones.

Quite challenging too, but so far never frustrating....some rooms are puzzles you have to solve, some require tight timed platforming, some requires both.
When you die you are immediately brought to last nearest starting spot (usually 1-2 inches from where you died).

Great stuff, I can't wait to play more. has it all.
iCloud seamless support, controllers support, easy on battery, localization, etc...

Loving it so far.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
See/Saw. Very original and minimalistic platformer. Design is brilliant.

And Spitkiss, another platformer but very different and more Super Meat Boy influenced.

See/Saw is definitely the kinda game I need right now. Huge fan of the more mininalist yet actually deep and enganging game. Shame there are so few of em. Thomas was Alone for example is my favorite game.

Good to see teslagrad on Googke ay, gonna lick it up befire the launch sale ends. Never saw it on the front oage or new premium category though. Sucks that Google's algorithms and content showinga is absolutely balls though, but I guess it comes with the territory. No one here ever plays phone games, and there is a serious Nintendo=Kids mentality going on with it atm.


Oct 26, 2017
Think I'm nearing the end of Grimvalor. It's okay. Last and current boss fight I'm currently doing not that great.


Oct 26, 2017
Do you think it would fit for a four years old kid? Its age rating is 4+ on iTunes but I'm talking more about controls, 'frustration', etc.


Hmmmm no, sorry.
The theme may suit a 4 year old from what I saw so far (and the paintings and, without spoilering...the 'cutscenes' have a childish cute look even if the setting is pretty dark in the end) BUT the game is a full fledged Metroidvania and it's quite demanding in terms of puzzles and platforms timing.
Some parts are very unless your 4 years old is a videgaming champion I wouldn't reccomend it, he would just be frustrated.
My 9 years son wouldn't be able to complete it either imho (providing I could unstuck him from Fortnite).
Would be different if you played it and your son just watched you and followed together the story.


Oct 25, 2017
My friend and I are looking for a game to play on both android and IOS.we're wanting something to play that is social but it doesn't have to directly co-op/pvp/pve.

We used to play FFB Exvius but we both quit as we found gatcha games to be addictive and toxic.

I think we're pretty open to genres and stuff? Just something that is playable, active and frequent content updates.

Any suggestions?
The Marvel games are pretty consistent with updates and have a lot of co-op missions and PvE events.

Otherwise games like Asphalt, Guns of Boom, Hero Hunters, and Lineage 2 are active online games.


Nov 8, 2017
Hmmmm no, sorry.
The theme may suit a 4 year old from what I saw so far (and the paintings and, without spoilering...the 'cutscenes' have a childish cute look even if the setting is pretty dark in the end) BUT the game is a full fledged Metroidvania and it's quite demanding in terms of puzzles and platforms timing.
Some parts are very unless your 4 years old is a videgaming champion I wouldn't reccomend it, he would just be frustrated.
My 9 years son wouldn't be able to complete it either imho (providing I could unstuck him from Fortnite).
Would be different if you played it and your son just watched you and followed together the story.

Thanks! Although he is pretty skilled with Mario Odyssey (I help him from time to time with the tricky parts) and puzzle games like King Rabbit, platforms are not his thing yet. For instance, Super Chariot is still really hard for him although it supports couch co-op and therefore we can play it toghether. I think I'll stay on the fence with Teslagrad.
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Oct 25, 2017
Just beat Solitairica for the first that last battle was tense! Took two tries but I got him after an epic 30 minute battle.

Now onto Epic difficulty (gulp)
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Oct 26, 2017
Thanks! Although he is pretty skilled with Mario Odyssey (I help him from time to time with the tricky parts) and puzzle games like King Rabbit, platforms are not his thing yet. For instance, Super Chariot is still really hard for him although it supports couch co-op and therefore we can play it toghether. I think I'll stay on the fence with Teslagrad.

Follow up after another sleepless night playing.
I can confirm it's a hard game (but a damn rewarding one).
Some puzzles are really mind bending and some platforming sessions are really really tight (Lost Socks/Oddmar/Super Mario Run black medals level of tightness).

Great stuff tough.

I'm also utterly impressed about how optimized and easy on the battery it is. It's the first game in ages that I can play literally hours and it doesn't make a dent in battery usage.