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Oct 25, 2017
Definitely never said no way Sony would be more powerful. I said esram would be very useful utilized correctly, and I wasn't wrong. I said Xbox One wouldn't be nearly as weak as many thought, and that was proven imo, at launch looking at Ryse. There were just early esram challenges. I also said, despite numerous gaf insiders saying otherwise, that the rumored downclock on Xbox one GPU was 100% incorrect and I verified through mods as much as I could safely without getting anyone in trouble.

I don't doubt they could have an SSD advantage, I just don't believe it will be big enough to make the difference some believe because of what I believe Xbox will have. Happy to be wrong since I'll own a PS5 also, just as I own a ps4 and PS4 pro. Although my og PS4 came late and by an accidental gift by a friend thinking I didn't have one cause I always talk about Xbox.

I mean what difference are some saying ?
Most i see people saying better streaming or loading for 3rd parties which won't be huge .
It's first parties people say might show the difference .
Feb 26, 2018
It kinda makes sense to me that PS5 is less powerful if they are going for the cheaper console
SeX is huge and if its 12TF RDNA I can see it costing like 500-600$. Which makes sense for MS when they got cheaper Lockhart


Nov 3, 2017
Definitely never said no way Sony would be more powerful. I said esram would be very useful utilized correctly, and I wasn't wrong. I said Xbox One wouldn't be nearly as weak as many thought, and that was proven imo, at launch looking at Ryse. There were just early esram challenges. I also said, despite numerous gaf insiders saying otherwise, that the rumored downclock on Xbox one GPU was 100% incorrect and I verified through mods as much as I could safely without getting anyone in trouble.

I don't doubt they could have an SSD advantage, I just don't believe it will be big enough to make the difference some believe because of what I believe Xbox will have. Happy to be wrong since I'll own a PS5 also, just as I own a ps4 and PS4 pro. Although my og PS4 came late and by an accidental gift by a friend thinking I didn't have one cause I always talk about Xbox.
I don't know in what parallel universe you live, but late generation games have proven more than a time how the Xbox hardware is worst engineering compared the PS4 just looking to the multiplat state and I doubt it's because anyone can't push beyond the magical esram. DF has tons of videos about it. Esram was a waste of precious space for other better hardware specs and the xbone X hardware seems point out that quite brutally.
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Dec 8, 2018
I posted my own logical reading of things based on what has actually happened in public, nothing more. Sony may still end up up on top power wise if either of those two things happen, and I won't pretend that there is some super secret under the hood magic to overcome it if that is revealed at that point.

If you want to believe Phil you are free to do so but telling people that it is the most important thing to this discussion is very much your opinion and a large number of people her probably think otherwise.

Once again if you don't want to believe what we are currently discussing or have any fair outside of Phil on what our "insiders" are providing I don't see why you are hanging around this thread since you have made it obvious with your posts nothing can convince you that Xbox is weaker.


Oct 25, 2017
By far the most tangible and relevant things to this discussion of next gen console raw power occurred on 12/12 at the Game Awards and after. Phil Spencer said "Our goal has always been to build the most powerful console we can, and I think we're there." He also added, "We like leading in power and performance, and I feel like we're going to be there again." And the Xbox Series X form factor is all about power and function over form per the design.

Xbox to me has clear pole position on this until outright proven otherwise by the full reveals themselves or a multiple sourced article from someone like Jason at Kotaku or Digital Foundry that reveals the specs and isn't refuted by either Microsoft or Sony within 24 hours. Jason coming on here today to make sure that people understood that he never actually said the PS5 was more powerful than the Xbox Series X was interesting in this regard too.
I mean this is a reasonable stance and all but just to pick this statement apart a bit:

"Our goal has always been to build the most powerful console we can, and I think we're there."

we all have goals. Do you think Cerny's goal isnt to have the most powerful console HE can produce?

P.S My bday is coming up and my goal is to have a threesome on that day. Sadly, my wife's goal is to prevent that from happening.

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Talking specifically about your english.

One is probably, the other is don't know.

probably = don't know
Sorry, it's 5am here! :D

Still 12 teraflops is a huge number, but we havent really seen any real world proof that it can hit 2080ti numbers. Think saying it's probable for now is the right thing to do, even if I really feel it can.

Deleted member 19767

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Oct 27, 2017
Isn't this a thread for speculation? Nope, I'm not an insider because I associate 'insider' with having a constant back and forth loop of information coming to them, one they both seek, and where the person offering the information is often enough or at key moments providing information willingly. Considering that is not my situation, I can't call myself an insider, but I would certainly consider the individual I heard this from credible enough to believe every word of what they said. What was said to me wasn't vague and didn't seem uncertain or up in the air. It seemed set in stone and was represented to me in a way with direct comparisons to existing PC products.

Yes, it's a thread for speculation. It is not a thread to generate your own rumors though.
It's pretty black and white. You either have accurate, credible information to share - or you don't.
If it's the former, please reach out to the mods and at least get them to verify the singular piece of information you believe you have. Ideally with some more detail than the vague description you've offered so far.
If it's the latter, please stop using it as some kind of counter to Klees information. He is verified, you are not.
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Oct 27, 2017
I posted my own logical reading of things based on what has actually happened in public, nothing more. Sony may still end up up on top power wise if either of those two things happen, and I won't pretend that there is some super secret under the hood magic to overcome it if that is revealed at that point.
Sir, this is a Wendy's.
Feb 23, 2019
Definitely never said no way Sony would be more powerful. I said esram would be very useful utilized correctly, and I wasn't wrong. I said Xbox One wouldn't be nearly as weak as many thought, and that was proven imo, at launch looking at Ryse. There were just early esram challenges. I also said, despite numerous gaf insiders saying otherwise, that the rumored downclock on Xbox one GPU was 100% incorrect and I verified through mods as much as I could safely without getting anyone in trouble.

I don't doubt they could have an SSD advantage, I just don't believe it will be big enough to make the difference some believe because of what I believe Xbox will have. Happy to be wrong since I'll own a PS5 also, just as I own a ps4 and PS4 pro. Although my og PS4 came late and by an accidental gift by a friend thinking I didn't have one cause I always talk about Xbox.

So you basically said Xbox One wasn't as weak as the GPU specs suggested, using Ryse as proof, yet third party games all ran worse and was consistent with the difference in power...

The eSRAM was just a sure fire way of getting to 8GB, there was no secret performance sauce to it.

You also say that an SSD with significantly more theoretical bandwidth may not be a big deal?

My opinion is that it could be just as big of a deal as the 8GB of GDDR5 announcement was...but then again you think the 2GB/s states figure by Windows Central is this based on an actual source or just a hunch?


Oct 25, 2017
I mean this is a reasonable stance and all but just to pick this statement apart a bit:

"Our goal has always been to build the most powerful console we can, and I think we're there."

we all have goals. Do you think Cerny's goal isnt to have the most powerful console HE can produce?

P.S My bday is coming up and my goal is to have a threesome on that day. Sadly, my wife's goal is to prevent that from happening.

Reading this thread it seem some people think Sony don't want the best just because they sell loads of system .
It's crazy thinking , they both want the best they can get , they both want all the marketing points they can get .
To think otherwise is silly.


Oct 26, 2017
As somebody that is system agnostic/owning everything. Perhaps I see things where they don't exist. Having two predominantly sony devs come out talking about how PS is better than the xbox - 1 talking about art direction despite not having the power and the other developers that make good games and MS hasn't - or will need time and resources to help branch the MS teams...

The timing of both of those seems odd and to seem to come out of nowhere. I wonder if more specs are being talked about behind the scenes and we're about to get some juicy leaks either way?


Oct 25, 2017
Ugh, that misterxmedia guy but this is also interesting:

"I don't want to answer much about the features Ariel has, but I tell you that you misunderstand the meaning of LITE. LITE refers to iGPU. That's all."

The famous "lite"! And Komachi repeats,in answer to him, that this is a Sony thing.

cc: anexanhume

We already knew LITE meant APU.
anexanhume thoughts on 3 shader engines in Navi?
Butterfly or die.

Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, but that's certainly not the case.
Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man dot jpeg

Deleted member 19767

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Oct 27, 2017
By far the most tangible and relevant things to this discussion of next gen console raw power occurred on 12/12 at the Game Awards and after. Phil Spencer said "Our goal has always been to build the most powerful console we can, and I think we're there." He also added, "We like leading in power and performance, and I feel like we're going to be there again." And the Xbox Series X form factor is all about power and function over form per the design.

Xbox to me has clear pole position on this until outright proven otherwise by the full reveals themselves or a multiple sourced article from someone like Jason at Kotaku or Digital Foundry that reveals the specs and isn't refuted by either Microsoft or Sony within 24 hours. Jason coming on here today to make sure that people understood that he never actually said the PS5 was more powerful than the Xbox Series X was interesting in this regard too.

The problem with this viewpoint is that you're almost entirely relying on PR statements or controlled leaks/info dumps. They're certainly helpful, but of course Microsoft or Sony will spruik their product as the best next gen console.

If you're only willing to take the big information dumps, or what is essentially public knowledge - as gospel, then I don't understand why you're in this thread essentially posting Xbox related nonsense. E.g. This post:

Everyone is talking about game technology for next gen like ray tracing and SSDs that will enable AAA experiences, and here I am having a blast playing Untitled Goose Game on Xbox Game Pass :)


Oct 27, 2017
I mean this is a reasonable stance and all but just to pick this statement apart a bit:

"Our goal has always been to build the most powerful console we can, and I think we're there."

we all have goals. Do you think Cerny's goal isnt to have the most powerful console HE can produce?

P.S My bday is coming up and my goal is to have a threesome on that day. Sadly, my wife's goal is to prevent that from happening.
I think that endurance prevents that.

You are

Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man dot jpeg

Once again....Matt to the rescue.

These threads have been wild, lol.
Nov 2, 2017
Maybe not, but a 12Tflop Navi wouldn't be far off. Within 10-15% of it perhaps, if you scaled everything linearly with compute at least - something like a 2080 Super rather than a 2080Ti. That's pretty great anyway, IMO.
I think a 2080Ti is another 20-25% on top of a 2080 Super. Generally GPUs almost never scale linearly with compute at the high end, escpecially not if you go wide. The 2080Ti even shows this.

Deleted member 1589

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Oct 25, 2017
Not you...the posts that said only Matt is an insider, lol.
oh yeah that :)

I just ignore most of it, because you look at more than half of their posts here and it's usually about how Klee is wrong, and that 'this one' is to be trusted, or that this console must suck, and 'this one' is better.

At least it's not as bad as twitter.


Oct 25, 2017
HBM2 does sound like it would help with 2ghz GPU power and heat requirements but it would still be a pretty low chance considering how simple throwing in GDDR6 would be.


Oct 26, 2017
I think a 2080Ti is another 20-25% on top of a 2080 Super. Generally GPUs almost never scale linearly with compute at the high end, escpecially not if you go wide. The 2080Ti even shows this.

I suppose you'll get different numbers depending on what benchmarks you look at. On that end, in the comparison I was making, I looked at Digital Foundry's GPU ladder, and scaled the 5700XT number up linearly to 12Tflop. In their rating there isn't quite so big a difference between a Super and a Ti (more like 17% than 25%). Of course that's one set of benches, and one set of assumptions.


Oct 27, 2017
HBM2 does sound like it would help with 2ghz GPU power and heat requirements but it would still be a pretty low chance considering how simple throwing in GDDR6 would be.
GDDR6 won't scale in terms of cost and price as much as the potential of HBM. HBM has the potential to change the game completely but the current market price is eye gouging

Deleted member 1589

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Oct 25, 2017
GDDR6 won't scale in terms of cost and price as much as the potential of HBM. HBM has the potential to change the game completely but the current market price is eye gouging
The AMD Flute benchmark points towards PS5 using 16GB of GDDR6

It shows the ram in 16 1GB modules though that could hint at it being HBM, but I would think it was more because it cant ascertain what type of RAM it is, than anything else.


Oct 27, 2017
The AMD Flute benchmark points towards PS5 using 16GB of GDDR6

It shows the ram in 16 1GB modules though that could hint at it being HBM, but I would think it was more because it cant ascertain what type of RAM it is, than anything else.
That's actually the way I'm looking at it. We had that stupidly specific leak that mentioned Samsung having an excess amount of HBM chips, the rumor of the PS5 APU being smaller, and Sony testing out 2 ghz on the PS5. HBM makes the high frequency and smaller APU a sensible outcome.

DukeBlueBall mentioned a potential scenario using 3 shader engines.

54 CU (6 Disabled), 2ghz, and HBM 2 Pool. 🎱

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
That's actually the way I'm looking at it. We had that stupidly specific leak that mentioned Samsung having an excess amount of HBM chips, the rumor of the PS5 APU being smaller, and Sony testing out 2 ghz on the PS5. HBM makes the high frequency and smaller APU a sensible outcome.
I wish, but it really is expensive.

Here's the picture of the ram from the benchmark for reference.



Apr 23, 2019
I don't know if this theory has been thought up by others in this thread, but could the Xbox One SAD have been meant as a straight up one-to-one trial balloon for Lockheart? Just to gauge the market's reaction... I mean - the "weaker" disc-less alternative with a price tag of $249. That sure sounds close to what I'm thinking of, when I try to imagine Lockhart
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