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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Of course there's the temptation to make a jokey OT, as is often the case, and hot-damn is there a lot of material for that even in the last week, where our esteemed President has:

-Offered to buy Greenland. |OT7| I bought this Greenland and It Immediately Melted
-Got pissy when rebuffed by Denmark because Greenland's in free association with Denmark (like most remaining colonies in the world today) and is not for sale and so cancelled on Denmark's PM. |OT7| All I Cared About was Your Green Land
-Played on the anti-semitic Dual Loyalty trope to claim that American Jews weren't being Dual Loyal enough if they were voting Democratic. |OT7| Not Disloyal Enough
-Was endorsed by a guy who called him the King of Israel and the best thing to happen to Jews ever. |OT7| *snort* - You say Jesus is King of Kings?
-Claimed that doctors came out of surgery just to see him at the El Paso and Dayton hospitals. |OT7| Let a Man Die to Shake My Hand
-Called his handpicked Chairman of the Federal Reserve the greatest enemy |OT7| Coming This Summer: Jerome Powell is "ENEMY OF THE STATE"

Along with some stuff that's super-serious

-had his Department of Justice send a legal brief contending that the Civil Rights Act does not protect LGB individuals, along with prior efforts claiming that Trans people also have no equal-protection rights.
-batted around the idea of ending birthright citizenship (this would go under the lulworthy side if he didn't mean it)
-declared an intent to replace the Flores Settlement with some cooked-up bullshit to let him detain migrant families indefinitely.
-declined to give the flu vaccine to detainees in the migrant camps.

But what stands out, most singularly and poignantly, is the story of Rashida Tlaib, whose grandmother is still a victim of the Israeli occupation, and the occupiers set the terms by which people can see their relatives. Because Tlaib has the temerity to stand up for Palestinian rights and due to Trump's monumentally petty scheming, Israel was convinced to bar her from visiting the country. Initially Tlaib yielded to their odious terms on "humanitarian" grounds, but ultimately made the painful decision to stand for her grandmother's dignity rather than a chance to see her one last time.

Because there's no end to the pettiness of king shitbird, he had this to say:

The old woman had a simple reply, told to a journalist from Reuters:


"May God Ruin Him"

We may have a wide variety of beliefs about the universe, and yet I doubt something more fitting could be said for a man so hateful, and yet so pathetic as to be beneath contempt.

Oh yeah, and there's a presidential primary or something. And something something Hard Brexit in 69 days and counting.

1) This thread isn't a venting ground for ResetEra threads you don't like, that's what the complaining channel on Discord (that no one who isn't already a member can see) is for.
1.5) Don't complain about OT Threads. We all want a better world, let's focus on the issues and not on being tone police.
2) This thread isn't a Twitter feed or live TV comment feed, provide context (as in tweet text or a video link/some attempt at transcription, respectively) for what you post.
3) Ignore these reminders at your own peril.

What brought us to this pass:

US PoliEra 2019 |OT6| Have You Hurd About These GOP Retirements?
US PoliEra 2019 |OT5| She's got a plan for that, now sashay away
US PoliEra 2019 |OT4| Folded like a DOG
US PoliEra 2019 |OT2| #President Pelosi
US PoliERA 2019 |OT1| You down wit' NDP? (Yeah you know me!) Who's down wit' AOC? (This whole party!)
US PoliERA 2018 |OT13| And now the fun starts
US PoliERA 2018 |OT12| The Moscow Project
US PoliERA 2018 |OT11| The Hunt for Blue November
US PoliERA 2018 |OT10| McConnell is "mule piss"
US PoliERA 2018 |OT9| Next week has been EXHAUSTING
US PoliERA 2018 |OT8| Democrats projected to gain F5 seats
US PoliERA 2018 |OT7| Tell Me The Bad Things That Happened Since I Fell Asleep
US PoliERA 2018 |OT6| An Unmitigated Disaster
US PoliERA 2018 |OT5| A Total Goat Rodeo
US PoliERA 2018 |OT4| Sweetheart, this is Watergate, goodbye!
US PoliERA 2018 |OT3| In Like a Lamb, Out Like a Ryan
US PoliEra 2018 |OT2| Flip, Flip, Flip-a-Gatesia
US PoliEra 2018 |OT| Welcome to the Resistance, the only funded organization in D.C.
US PoliEra 2017 |OT3| This thread was created with a one vote margin
US PoliEra 2017 |OT2| Tinkle Traitor Soldier Spy
US PoliEra 2017 |OT| At least Rand Paul had a lawn to cushion the blow
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Oct 25, 2017

Lol, this seems really incoherent.
"None of you . . . women are old enough — but a couple of you guys are old enough," he said during a town hall at Dartmouth College. "I graduated in 1968. Everybody before me was, 'Drop out, go to Haight-Ashbury, don't trust anybody over 30, everybody not get involved.' No, I'm serious. I know no woman will shake her head and acknowledge it. But you guys know what I'm talking about. Right? But then what happened?"



Oct 25, 2017

There's a part before that quote (or maybe during the ellipses?) where he says he got engaged around that time. Sam Seder was speculating that what he's trying to get at in that word salad is that while other young men were being irresponsible hippies in the late 60s, he was already a Serious Individual sticking to Family Values and doing Hard Work.

I think he just has mush brains.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Note that you can use the title any any number of men, including Putin, Bolsonaro, Urban, Sheldon Adelson, Erdogan, Ben Shapiro, Hannity, Tucker Carlson and, most relevant, Netanyahu and the Koch Brothers.

Here's hoping Tlaib's grandmother survives both administrations and that the deceased Koch brother has hell to pay.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
So I decided to watch election night 2018 coverage last night and it really fucked me up how terrible the narrative was.

First, everyone is giving Trump credit for seemingly doing something amazing by winning senate seats in Missouri, North Dakota, and Indiana. Ya, you're a Republican. Congrats. The narrative for the night is pretty much that Trump really did win, which is weird!

Second, the House control is seen as almost an after thought. Which is odd -- I think a lot of this is because Florida came first and was the best Republican state of the night, but still. Only Nate Silver is the one trying to recorrect the narrative that this a big deal.

Third, so many of these pundits don't understand how the vote comes in. You saw this in Arizona and California. This is super dangerous. These people cannot explain to viewers how voting works in AZ and CA, and thus viewers are probably more open to thinking fraud. It's like they're living in 2002, perpetually.

Fourth... what value do Donna Brazille and Chris Christie bring to your network? Or Abby Huntsman? OR Meghan McCain?


Oct 25, 2017
Fourth... what value do Donna Brazille and Chris Christie bring to your network? Or Abby Huntsman? OR Meghan McCain?

This kinda grift has always amazed me. Big speaking fees (which might as well be what those people are doing, it's all chaff) for Presidents and shit? Sure. But Brazille, Meghan, Huntsman, etc?

Whatever they got paid is several orders of magnitude too high
Oct 25, 2017
No big deal that people have lost a ton of money as long as he hasn't tanked the market back to 2017 levels? *facepalm*

Next he'll say it's ok because the market is higher than when Carter was in office.....
Oct 25, 2017
Do you guys think RGB will make it to the new year?

Jesus Christ, bruh.

Aaron Rupar @atrupar

Trump says the Dow dropping 600 points is no big deal because he's still up from where Obama was when he left office

11:33 PM - Aug 23, 2019

Be in personal competition with the best POTUS of the last fifty years when you're a Buchanan/Harding mash-up disaster of a president, folks.


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017

Can't wait for the Bidenism calendars with one dumb quote per day.

Dude what the fuck? Can you even finish a simple sentence anymore on matters of importance???

Biden cannot win. I know the polls look great for him but it's early. I think Trump is hoping Biden gets the nom


Oct 27, 2017


Nov 27, 2017
So, I'm no Biden stan by any means, but I don't think what he was saying there is that confusing. He's doing the thing old guys do where they think women won't admit their age, so he's saying none of the ladies in the room are old enough to remember the late 60s, but the men are. And that what people his age were doing was going out to San Francisco to be hippies and not trusting anyone over 30, but then MLK Jr and Kennedy were murdered and folks wanted more activism and started getting involved.


Oct 27, 2017
So, I'm no Biden stan by any means, but I don't think what he was saying there is that confusing. He's doing the thing old guys do where they think women won't admit their age, so he's saying none of the ladies in the room are old enough to remember the late 60s, but the men are. And that what people his age were doing was going out to San Francisco to be hippies and not trust anyone over 30, but then MLK Jr and Kennedy were murdered and folks wanted more activism.
The problem is that he always tries the folksy garbage, but now he seems to be too old to hold on to the point long enough to actually get to it.

He was always annoying like this, but he's quickly moving into the realm of not making any sense. They need to lock him in a room and not let him come out until he's the nominee if they expect to win.


Nov 27, 2017
Maybe I'm just used to speaking old person. My squad is a group of ladies in their 70s and we do calligraphy, watch Hallmark movies, and share pictures of our (grand)kids. (My kids, their grandkids).

I'm not even lying.


Oct 27, 2017
I somehow completely missed that Trump tweet mocking Tlaib's grandmother first time around. Fucking hell.


Oct 27, 2017
The model doesn't change with the color space.

If it dies, they all die.

Maybe I'm just used to speaking old person. My squad is a group of ladies in their 70s and we do calligraphy, watch Hallmark movies, and share pictures of our (grand)kids. (My kids, their grandkids).
Fair enough. I never had the patience for his bullshit (he was always a terrible candidate), so I just tune him out.

Also, social media is a disease.

Dr. Benton Quest

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Today was certainly a roller coaster.

Opens with good news.

Ends with bad.

Biden babbles all the way through it.


Oct 27, 2017
Dude what the fuck? Can you even finish a simple sentence anymore on matters of importance???

Biden cannot win. I know the polls look great for him but it's early. I think Trump is hoping Biden gets the nom

He transposed *one* word. Christ, we're in some serious "look at that bitch eating crackers" territory.


Nov 27, 2017
I am pretty sure that Biden won't be the nominee though. He's just not that good at being a candidate, and definitely not good at being a frontrunner. It's why I just kinda whatever with his verbal flubs. I don't think they're that big a deal when the alternative is Donald Trump (should Biden get the nomination.)

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
I am pretty sure that Biden won't be the nominee though. He's just not that good at being a candidate, and definitely not good at being a frontrunner. It's why I just kinda whatever with his verbal flubs. I don't think they're that big a deal when the alternative is Donald Trump (should Biden get the nomination.)

I don't think he will either. Warren seems to be doing all the right things.


Oct 27, 2017
Third, so many of these pundits don't understand how the vote comes in. You saw this in Arizona and California. This is super dangerous. These people cannot explain to viewers how voting works in AZ and CA, and thus viewers are probably more open to thinking fraud. It's like they're living in 2002, perpetually.
I remember some talking about the Nevada Senate results. They were talking how amazing Heller was doing and thinking he was going to win despite nothing from Clark County being reported. I was just astonished at how they could craft a narrative despite literally 75-80% of the state's population living in Las Vegas not being included yet.


Nov 27, 2017
Reading from a teleprompter is actually hard! It shouldn't be for someone who has been doing it for 40 years, but it is. The only thing I get frustrated with, and it's not directed at anyone here or anything, is when Twitter feels the need to frame something in the dumbest possible light. Like, every little verbal slip up isn't some massive gaffe. He mixed up the order of one word. If every single tiny thing a candidate does is magnified 90 million times, nothing actually sticks to them. This is why I hate social media. Plus I'm an old 32.
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