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Oct 25, 2017



The Candidates:


Joe Biden is now the presumed nominee as all other candidates have lost and suspended their campaigns. This includes the first time Presidential runners Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and now two-time loser Bernie Sanders, as well as the other also-rans.

And, in fact, as of April 13th, Bernie Sanders, the second time second runner-up, has now endorsed Joe Biden. So, get out that vote for Biden if you cared about that revolution.

Donate to Joe Biden
Make Calls for Joe Biden
Toolkit for Biden

United States Presidential Swing States:


Due to the Electoral College and "First Past the Post" structure of the American electorate, the Presidential race is usually determined by so-called "swing states". In the 2016 election, the race was decided by 107,000 votes in three states (Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania). In 2000, 537 votes in Florida decided the election. This year, the following states are considered "swing states," and would be welcoming your volunteer time and money: Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida.


United States Legislative Races:


For progressive legislation to pass, you need more than just a President - you need the House and Senate. The following links help you donate to the potentially tight races that might flip the U.S. Senate in Maine, Arizona, Colorado, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and Montana.


Let's transform our government

Swing Left helps you find the most effective ways to help Democrats win—up and down the ballot.

Aaron's "Congressional Races to Watch!" list:
  • Georgia's 7th congressional district (Rob Woodall-R) - 2018: 50.1%-49.9% R
  • Iowa's 1st congressional district (Abby Finkenauer-D) - 2018: 51%-45.9% D
  • Iowa's 2nd congressional district (OPEN-D) - 2018: 54.8%-42.6% D
  • Maine's 2nd congressional district (Jared Golden-D) - 2018: 50.6%-49.4% D
  • Michigan's 3rd congressional district (Justin Amash-R) - 2018: 54.4%-43.2% R.
  • Nebraska's 2nd congressional district (Don Bacon-R) - 2018: 51%-49% R
  • New Jersey's 2nd congressional district (Jeff Van Drew-R) - 2018: 52.9%-45.2% D*
  • New Jersey's 3rd congressional district (Andrew Kim-D) - 2018: 50%-48.7% D
  • New Mexico's 2nd congressional district (Xochitl Torres Small-D) - 2018: 50.9%-49.1% D
  • New York's 11th congressional district (Max Rose-D) - 2018: 53-46.6% D
  • New York's 22nd congressional district (Anthony Brindisi-D) - 2018: 50.9-49.1% D
  • Oklahoma's 5th congressional district (Kendra Horn-D) - 2018: 50.7%-49.3% D
  • South Carolina's 1st congressional district (Joe Cunningham-D) - 2018: 50.6%-49.2% D
  • Texas' 22nd congressional district (OPEN-R) - 2018: 51.4%-46.5% R. Democratic nominee: Sri Preston Kulkami
  • Texas' 23rd congressional district (OPEN-R) - 2018: 49.2%-48.7% R. Democratic nominee: Gina Ortiz Jones
  • Texas' 24th congressional district (OPEN-R) - 2018: 50.6%-47.5% R



Can I phone-bank, donate, or volunteer if I am not a U.S. citizen?


"Generally, an individual (including a foreign national) may volunteer personal services to a federal candidate or federal political committee without making a contribution. The Act provides this volunteer "exemption" as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone. The Commission has addressed applicability of this exemption to several situations involving volunteer activity by a foreign national, as explained below."

Can I help even if I decided to not vote for President?


Though people have marched and died for your right to vote in this country, it is not compulsory, and you may exercise your rights to not vote for any candidate. Something to consider are "down-ballot" races like the Senate, House of Representatives, judges, and so on, where local governance and races may matter to you outside of just the national race, but these are also non-compulsory. Cash contributions, phone-banking, protesting, and all are alternatives if for whatever reason you wish to sit 2020 out; angry complaining on message boards and Twitter probably does not help.

What about a third party candidate or write-ins?


As mentioned above, with the United States being a "First Past the Post" electoral system, the rise of a third party, or third party candidate, is exceedingly rare. No one can force you with whom to vote for, but the reality is either the Democratic or Republican nominee will be elected President - do with that information as you wish.



1) This thread isn't a venting ground for ResetEra threads you don't like, that's what the complaining channel on Discord (that no one who isn't already a member can see) is for.
2) This thread isn't a Twitter feed or live TV comment feed, provide context (as in tweet text or a video link/some attempt at transcription, respectively) for what you post.
3) Ignore these reminders at your own peril.

Let's hope for a good November.


DinosaurusRex, thank you for the thread title.

US PoliEra 2020 |OT4| Disaster Voltron
US PoliEra 2020 |OT3| "I think he's learned his lesson" says The Concerned Immoderate Darling Collins.
US PoliEra 2020 |OT 2| Dershowitz says "Qui Pro Quo on the Go?"
US PoliEra 2019 |OT10| Go Absent Yourself
US PoliEra 2019 |OT9| I'm really glad I'm not on Twitter nearly enough to understand all the references
US PoliEra 2019 |OT7| It's happening
US PoliEra 2019 |OT6| Have You Hurd About These GOP Retirements?
US PoliEra 2019 |OT5| She's got a plan for that, now sashay away
US PoliEra 2019 |OT4| Folded like a DOG
US PoliEra 2019 |OT2| #President Pelosi
US PoliERA 2019 |OT1| You down wit' NDP? (Yeah you know me!) Who's down wit' AOC? (This whole party!)
US PoliERA 2018 |OT13| And now the fun starts
US PoliERA 2018 |OT12| The Moscow Project
US PoliERA 2018 |OT11| The Hunt for Blue November
US PoliERA 2018 |OT10| McConnell is "mule piss"
US PoliERA 2018 |OT9| Next week has been EXHAUSTING
US PoliERA 2018 |OT8| Democrats projected to gain F5 seats
US PoliERA 2018 |OT7| Tell Me The Bad Things That Happened Since I Fell Asleep
US PoliERA 2018 |OT6| An Unmitigated Disaster
US PoliERA 2018 |OT5| A Total Goat Rodeo
US PoliERA 2018 |OT4| Sweetheart, this is Watergate, goodbye!
US PoliERA 2018 |OT3| In Like a Lamb, Out Like a Ryan
US PoliEra 2018 |OT2| Flip, Flip, Flip-a-Gatesia
US PoliEra 2018 |OT| Welcome to the Resistance, the only funded organization in D.C.
US PoliEra 2017 |OT3| This thread was created with a one vote margin
US PoliEra 2017 |OT2| Tinkle Traitor Soldier Spy
US PoliEra 2017 |OT| At least Rand Paul had a lawn to cushion the blow
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Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Reminder that Biden has an extremely credible rape allegation against him.

OK. That's out of the way. New thread ahoy!


Oct 30, 2017
Nice thread Brian! How's everyone's Sunday going? Are you so divorced from time that you don't even know it's Sunday? I'm on day 3 of the lockdown and I still feel like I'm going to work tomorrow.


Oct 27, 2017
If Romney/Kasich was the far right we'd be so much better off as a nation.

When did the kooks take over?
The most garbage lib brain thing I've ever read.

It'd be the same as Trump without being in your face.

They would just hide it a lot better so most people could safely ignore it and "Feel Good" about a president whos "presidential" but still a racist xenophobe

its like people just want someone less offensive regardless of policy.


Oct 30, 2017
The most garbage lib brain thing I've ever read.

It'd be the same as Trump without being in your face.

They would just hide it a lot better so most people could safely ignore it.

its like people just want someone less offensive regardless of policy.
I don't think it is that easy. It was hyperbole earlier when I said I'd be fucking thrilled with Ted Cruz as President right now. There is a line between Trump and people who have a respect for experts, and a rough idea of governance, even if I disagree with the decisions they'd make. I'm just saying that at the very least, I'd want someone who could bury their ego long enough to provide a competent response to this crisis.


Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
Mere quarantine isn't enough for the likes of me. Shove me in a lead box and shoot me into the sun.
Oct 27, 2017
--Night settles over the Red Zone
--The calls of the Skunk Ape ricochet off the shuttered strip malls
--Florida Man is afoot


Oct 25, 2017
Why has my workload been even larger with quarantines. I'm supposed to be in the bath.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
It's tribalism. At a certain point, the only people who could win primaries were the furthest to the right... and that makes a feedback loop of crazy. I'd place the blame on McCain for picking Palin. Palin awoke something in the party and they weren't going to quit until they got someone that scratched that itch. Tribalism comes in where people on the right make the same kind of calculation that you and I do right now when we say that Biden isn't ideal, but we'd take a Dem trifecta and his Supreme Court picks over someone that could narrowly win, or lose. My mom hates Trump, but not as much as she hates abortion, and not as much as she loves the tribe.
Ok, I get it up to that point. Biden was like my fifth choice. I am excited for his VP pick, his SC replacements (black woman on the SC!), progressing towards universal healthcare and reforms to the tax code.

We are like "fine it's Biden, but think about this..!"
These mfs are excited about Trump. When they ideologically "fuck Trump" when polled. They are about aligned with Romney today as they were when he was their nominee. I heard y'all about Trump letting racists be racists but I just wonder if this means a non #maga Republican can break through and our assumptions of 2024 are wrong.


Oct 26, 2017
continuing from previous thread:
Speaking of compiling data:

one of the replies to that tweet had this link. Not sure about the veracity of the info, but I'm posting it for the concept.

«The real death toll for Covid-19 is at least 4 times the official numbers»

Nembro, one of the municipalities most affected by Covid-19, should have had - under normal conditions - about 35 deaths. 158 people were registered dead this year by the municipal offices. But the number of deaths officially attributed to Covid-19 is 31
I think it will be interesting to see this kind of data on a county and state level after the fact. I remember seeing something similar for Maria for Puerto Rico.

An analysis of data like this would account for additional deaths from lack of hospital resources or triage etc
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It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA

«The real death toll for Covid-19 is at least 4 times the official numbers»

Nembro, one of the municipalities most affected by Covid-19, should have had - under normal conditions - about 35 deaths. 158 people were registered dead this year by the municipal offices. But the number of deaths officially attributed to Covid-19 is 31
I think it will be interesting to see this kind of data on a county and state level after the fact. I remember seeing something similar for Maria for Puerto Rico.

An analysis of data like this would account for additional deaths from lack of hospital resources or triage etc
Yep. There's going to a large chunk of secondary casualties. Suicides are going to go up measurably as social isolation drags on, for example.

I'd like to cancel my 90 day free trial of 2020
I always remember a day late, but you're bang on.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
The most garbage lib brain thing I've ever read.

It'd be the same as Trump without being in your face.

They would just hide it a lot better so most people could safely ignore it and "Feel Good" about a president whos "presidential" but still a racist xenophobe

its like people just want someone less offensive regardless of policy.
Romney and Kasich were both Governors and would have handled COVID-19 far better than this glorious idiot we have. Might I remind you, he was posting his ratings less than a few hours ago?

Policy wise, again, they aren't Democrats. But they certainly aren't Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
The World-o-Meter currently has us at 2475 total deaths.

The model I've been consulting says we should end the day between 2303 and 2785. It seems to be projecting fairly accurately so far. (It made these predictions for today last Monday; it only adds new numbers every Monday.)


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, I guess. But my question is, they got slightly more conservative on the margin after Obama. But it wasn't a significant shift. So my confusion is, if the median Republican got slightly more conservative due to Obama, how the fuck did the kooks high jack the party?
"They just really like racism" and "tribalism" are true but I think not sufficient to explain the kookiness of it all. It's not that Trump is just really evil. It's that he's a clown.

I think the blame for this actually falls on the less racist part of the party too. The problem is the Republican Party's opposition to expertise of any sort. On issue after issue, the party establishment wanted to do things that were generally against the interests of even their own voters, and to make this happen they had to persuade their voters that experts don't know what they're talking about. You can't sell these economic policies if people are listening to serious economists. You can't have people believing in climate change. You certainly don't want people to have an informed perspective on how other countries approach certain problems and how well their solutions have worked. The party establishment has promoted kooks for decades.

Now, there have always been populist kooks too. Creationists and so on. But where this has gone off the rails is that there is literally no serious policy apparatus in the Republican Party. There are "think tanks", but these are funded in order to promote specific policies, not to try to come up with new ideas -- the point is to generate intellectual-ish defenses of what the donors want to do anyway. There just aren't any Republican intellectuals anymore, because no one listened to them anyway and whenever someone pointed out how dumb one of the other things the party was doing was they got kicked out.


Oct 25, 2017
From last thread:

Didn't know know Comey

one of the replies to that tweet had this link. Not sure about the veracity of the info, but I'm posting it for the concept.

«The real death toll for Covid-19 is at least 4 times the official numbers»

Nembro, one of the municipalities most affected by Covid-19, should have had - under normal conditions - about 35 deaths. 158 people were registered dead this year by the municipal offices. But the number of deaths officially attributed to Covid-19 is 31
I think it will be interesting to see this kind of data on a county and state level after the fact. I remember seeing something similar for Maria for Puerto Rico.

An analysis of data like this would account for additional deaths from lack of hospital resources or triage etc

Thanks for sharing that article--it's also kind of wild that it's written by the mayor of the town. It does already seem similar to Maria where fatalities due to lack of sanitation, food, or electricity in the months after it struck don't seem to have been included.

Nembro only has about thirteen thousand citizens, and already losing 158 people this year is devastating.

Their conclusion:
Our fear is that not only the number of infected people have been largely underestimated due to the low number of swabs and tests carried out, and therefore the number of asymptomatics from the statistics have «disappeared», but that the case is also – through the data of the Municipalities - that of the dead. We are in the midst of an epoch-making event and to fight it we need credible data on the reality of the situation, disclosed transparently among all the experts and people who have to manage the crisis responsibly. Based on these data we can understand and decide what is right to do when it is required.


Oct 30, 2017
Today is March 65th right?
Totally! This year I've gone from planning my brother's 40th birthday party, to finding him dead on the floor of his bedroom in his apartment, to a month's worth of grieving, to a fairly normal surprise party on my own birthday in early March, and then planning a sort of 40th birthday party wake for my brother, to realizing that I can't even see my parents on his birthday, let alone throwing a party, to locking up the business that we all ran together and not knowing when I can re-open it. It's fucking brutal and I'm having such a hard time keeping up.
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Oct 30, 2017
I haven't read this thread in weeks but I see that Auto's avatar has changed. Did Tula finally drop out?

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
as we all know writing a weird rape fantasy essay is worse than actually raping someone
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